Direct cases and pleading

Registration and documentation
14 August، 2022
Execution of judgments and collection of debts
14 August، 2022
The office handles various civil cases (labor in particular), endowments, medical errors, insurance, criminal, commercial, banking, financial, administrative, legal, labor and personal cases. It means handling cases by representing others and pleading on their behalf in all stages of the case, starting with the inference stage – passing through the investigation stage and up to the stage of investigation. Pleading before the courts at all stages of litigation with governmental and semi-governmental agencies, judicial committees, internal and external arbitration bodies of various degrees and jurisdictions, by studying cases and issuing their objectionable memoranda and regulations and representing others in all cases that arise between merchants or individuals or are filed against them, and as the office means By following up the collection of debts and recovering the rights stolen from their owners, whether material or moral, ending with the implementation of judicial rulings issued by the concerned authorities until the rights are restored to their owners.